Becoming a local in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Our TEFL interns George and Lauren have been living and teaching in Cambodia for two months. Here’s how to live like a local in Phnom Penh!
It will take you a good one to two weeks to adjust to living in this crazy city. Once you do though, you will feel like a local and see familiar faces every day. From the coffee woman outside your school selling iced coffee with condensed milk (that at first you probably will hate, but that at the end of your internship will be your go to drink) to your ‘noodle man/woman’ that provide your daily dinner for only $1.50.
At first we felt a bit negative about Phnom Penh, but honestly if you be patient and accept that life out here is going to be a huge culture shock then you won’t want to leave… Everything is different, from getting your coffee and food to getting from A to B. You will become a bartering professional and it’s great fun having a laugh with the locals when you are bartering, especially when they have a cheeky grin on their face knowing they are quoting you ridiculous prices. Take it with a pinch of salt and you’ll do absolutely fine out here.
Phnom Penh is like no other city that we have visited. You will see crazy sights, such as 12-year-old boys driving motorbikes like it’s completely normal, and cows ruling the road. As the weeks pass by you will constantly discover new areas you haven’t even heard of in the city. There are plenty of great local food stores and coffee shops with most offering foods from deep fried tarantula to Khmer curry.
Our favourite thing of all has to be the smiles and the social culture of the Khmer. They are truly inspirational. Not trying to sound cheesy but seriously the people make this country great. They make you want to spend more time here and by the time you do leave you will feel like the city is your home and your passion for helping develop the country will increase. We loved and were amazed at how many NGO’s and volunteer projects that were everywhere throughout the city. This for us is why doing this internship has been a brilliant decision – Kimlay and Hong (the co-ordinators) are very good at their job and will do absolutely anything for you. You receive so much help out here and in the end they will become great friends.
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